Frequently asked questions
Got a burning question regarding how we can help you? We may just have your answer in these FAQs (and if not, please do not hesitate to get in touch).
At HireGenics, we help get work done. We use a candidate-centric approach to save you money, optimise spend and to provide you with a bespoke, total talent solution.
Much more than just recruiters, we are a data-led, end-to-end talent consultancy. We are trusted advisors and partners of businesses of all sizes. And we are just as ambitious as you.
We are committed to our clients’ success. Responsive and dedicated to customer service, we are ready to help you achieve your goals.
We provide contingent workforce solutions that elevate your business. Working across both the private and public sectors, we take care of anything: from boosting your attraction and retention through direct sourcing and MSP solutions, to mitigating risk and contractor management through our payrolling and compliance functions.
We know that every sector has different needs, and that is why our services are tailored our clients’ specific requirements.
HireGenics is deeply imbedded in the following UK markets:
- Healthcare & Social Care
- Retail, Logistics & Manufacturing
- Education
- Corporate
- Not-for-Profit
To see what we do globally, click here.
As a Neutral Vendor, HireGenics is not a recruitment agency. Instead, the term Neutral Vendor refers to an organisation that forms partnerships with specialist recruitment agencies across various sectors. When a client is looking to hire, a Neutral Vendor reaches out to these different agencies to find the best candidates for the role(s).
As a Neutral Vendor, HireGenics has an extensive network of partnerships, and importantly, no conflict of interest, meaning we’re able to cast our net wider to find the very best candidates to suit our clients’ needs.
MSP is short for Managed Service Programme, while RPO stands for Recruitment Process Outsourcing.
A Managed Service Programme refers to the kind of solution HireGenics provides to our clients who have outsourced part of, or their entire recruitment function to improve their operations, and/or save costs and time.
Similarly, an RPO is when an organisation outsources part of, or its entire recruitment function to a partner, like HireGenics. When providing RPO solutions we become an extension of our clients’ internal recruitment or HR department and can be based on or off-site.
Our MSP solutions provide you with a single point of contact, increased visibility, single invoicing, and direct supply of works via HireGenics’ candidates.
Our NV solutions are more than just recruitment. You will still get a single point of contact, increased visibility, and single invoicing, but will also benefit from a bespoke chain of multiple, impartial staffing agencies to help you find the most suitable and cost-effective contingent staff.
Our solutions are guaranteed to provide you with recruitment-related time and cost reduction benefits. But asides this, we have various funding models in place, to suit all budgets and objectives.
For instance, did you know that many of our programmes are funded via a small percentage of the cost savings we provide? That means a financially risk-free opportunity for clients who are keen to outsource their contingent workforce recruitment activity.
For other businesses we charge a fixed percentage of spend.
But in short, we bespoke each solution for every clients. We will get to know you and your objectives to ensure we you will gain achieve your specific goals.
Not long! We have implemented our HireGenics model hundreds of times in the past and can guarantee this will be entirely in place within eight to twelve weeks. Our clients will benefit from the support of our dedicated and highly experienced implementation team.
At HireGenics, we are proud to provide a total 24/7 fulfilment service. You can contact us at any time day, night, or weekend for support.